That look in your eyes, and that smile. They tell everything. It was a brief moment. I could have missed it, but alhamdulillah that very fleeting moment is now a tangible memory for you to cherish one day. That one instant look. The look of happiness, contentment, pride and achievement all at the same time beaming on your face when you look at the number 4.
You had been anticipating your big day even weeks before. You could not wait and kept asking us how soon would it be. Yet along the wait you surprised us with a few milestones. Masha Allah!
You are now our little big girl. Leaving way behind your babyhood and toddler-hood phases. Yet you are still the same girl we know. The girl with a very strong personality. You are one determined little lady, loving freedom and very independent too. A little person with a mind of her own. Beside that strong personality you are blessed with a fun, loving character. A charming and witty little girl that we all love.
To my little princess, I pray that Allah bless you with a strong determination to do good and to do what is right, stand up for justice and to help those in need. And may your witty and charming personality are put in good use. May you be the light that shines and brightens up those around you, especially the ones in need. May you strive for excellence - the ones exemplified by Rasulullah, his family and sahabah - and achieve your dreams, inspire and bringing others up along with you. Remember to always respect the elderly, and be kind and gentle to the young too. To deal with people justly, stand up for truth yet in a kind way. And most importantly may Allah bless you with a humble heart who loves Allah, and always long to please Him. A kind, gentle and loving soul who always put Allah and His Rasul first and foremost in her life. A grateful servant of Allah.

Ini petang-petang cara kita. Exercise Mama bilang. Kamu dengan basikal
biru kesayanganmu dan yang mengiringi kamu : Abah membonceng Mama menaiki
motosikal. Kan exercise mama bilang?! Ketawa. Tapi bila sampai di hujung jalan itu, Mama turun
dari motorsikal lalu berjalan di sebelah kamu yang mengayuh laju. Tidak
terkejar mama. Badan mama sudah berat. Petang itu kita joli-joli
menghibur hati. Apatah lagi cuaca cukup cerah, walau panas terasa harmoni.
Saat kamu mama tercungap mengejar, Abah melihat sahaja, senyum-senyum, dapat Mama lihat kepuasan di
matanya. Barangkali puas dapat menghabiskan petang kita seperti ini. Balik rumah kamu mengambil tabung. Mengagak-agak sudah berapa banyak duit syiling yang
sekian lama kamu simpan. Kamu datang dekat mama, lantas membisik..
"Mama, duit Irfan dah banyak. Dah boleh beli basikal untuk Mama dengan Abah. Nanti kita naik basikal sama-sama ok?"
Mama bingkas terus untuk ke tandas. Konon mama mahu membuang air.
Walhal sebenarnya Mama mahu menyorokkan mata yang mula berkaca. Dalam
terharu, Mama bahagia!
The Sleeping Child
Often I sit here and watch you sleep,
Always trying to figure out the
Secrets that you keep.
Do you wonder why the sky is blue?
And do you wonder what it means
When I say, "I love you?"
What are you dreaming with your
Eyes shut so tight?
And if it scares you, Can I
Make it right?
Can you understand the
Love that I feel?
And will you always know
What I feel is real?
This is what I wonder when I
see you fast asleep,
Always trying to figure out
The secrets that you keep.
Author Unknown