To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

week 9 | RARE MOMENT (22 - 28 Feb)

Sudahlah curi-curi guna komputer mama. Pakai pula 'aksesori' macam tu. Mama tertanya-tanya, watak apakah yang cuba dibawakan ini?

Min Mohd

Dear my pweeety cousin,Micha

Do you still remember that we used to fights (in words) with each other,we often argues over little things and we love to compete almost about everything (actually to get mom attention).Who can runs faster,who can swings higher,who can climbs up the 'tembok',who can sings the ABC's song correctly until Z,who eats a lot (haha),almost about everything ! And you even laughed at me when I told you I will get marry to Sara one day (dream girl at 'tadika') -- this is funny.

And in 15 to 20 years from now,this photo will remind us of our beautiful childhood story and this will be a rare moment to us one day !


This.  The gadget.  Let's have this as rare as possible during family time.  
And it's very rare for Mommy to not edit a picture.  But why not this time. This monochrome is SOOC.


Rare. How would a rare moment be? Rare to me is special in its own way. 

Kakak would have a very busy year, next year, ok adik? Kakak would be starting Year 1 at both primary school and sekolah agama. Kakak would be slightly busy and she might not have that much time with you to play like this.

Rest assure, adik. Kakak would definitely leave out some time for you. She will. Ibu knows that.

And, in 10 or 20 years time, occasionally,please take a glimpse at this photo of the rare moment ibu took of both of you.Take a glimpse, and remember, as rare as the moment could be, you will be there for each other.



Mr. Cow was never your companion until you turned four. That was when you attended preschool and learned more about the value of friendship. Little by little, you gave the otherwise a mere stuffed toy a soul. Little by little, 'he', as you referred to Mr. Cow, became your chum. 

Many asked you, daddy, and I whether he was a security toy. No, he was not a must everywhere, but he was a comfort to be with. Oh, he enjoyed your immense imagination, too. A true chum indeed. The way he had always been to me once upon a time :)

Abang had quite a hard time on the park today. 
She gave him a quick pecked on the nose and a little warm hugs. 

Saturday, 21 February 2015

week 8 | BEAUTIFUL MESS (15-21 Feb)

A mess.

Almost two years ago, when I made the decision, some said I was crazy. If they see me now, some would say that my life is a mess. Friends would say that I have no time for a coffee or gossip session anymore. Some would say that I do not put on make-up anymore. I don't keep myself up-to-date with fashion sometimes, let alone what's going on around the world; and to some, I look pregnant all the time! LOL!

There are baskets of fresh laundry waiting to be folded. No matter how I clean, there would always be dirt. Soiled diapers, stained school uniforms, unkempt living hall; 24-7, around the clock, I work non-stop - for this mess.

My life is a mess, yes. Letting go of some things that I love to do. Letting go of some things that I would love to do. Ah, those things can wait.

My life is a mess, yes - but I am loving this mess.
To me, it's a beautiful mess.

Sometimes, what will mess you up in life is the picture in your head of how things are supposed to be. Remember, a beautiful thing is never perfect. 


Clock is ticking, the hours are going by and the time is passing. The days are long, but the years are short. In 10 to 20 years from now, I know I will never get to see this again. I will miss you being like this terribly. I want to embrace this moment, the messy beautiful life we have created together.

"Wow, I look awesome being covered in fifteen hundred sands!"
- Khalish, the messy boy with messy grammar and messy number sense.

Milin Kassim

In your element. Almost every day.
After school. Weekend. Or during holiday
Like this one at your grandparents.
And even when you are not feeling well.
Like this day.
Chicken pox does not stop you.
Seeing you - and your kakak - like this.
I do not mind the mess.
Because it's just so, so

Maznie not disturb,my little Picasso's is busy try to finished his beautiful 'mess-terpiece' !

Linda Latip

My little beautiful mess.
Dedek kodek cedokdek. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

week 7 | WET (8-14 Feb)

Abg Ghazi. The water baby. 
And, the new discovery this morning.
Adik, is also the baby dugong in the making -___-'

The Crab, daddy and mommy named you.

Partly because you were born a Cancer. Mainly because you have always loved being in the water. Most of the times, you played in the swimming pool with the other children. Sometimes, when the pool was all yours, you created a world of your own.

Prancing, dancing, splashing.

Pure joy. A must do activity every time after washing your school shoes.


I envy all the photos before mine as it was my dream shot - I dreamt of photographing them playing outdoor when I took the opportunities to spray them with water . However, my babies are all under the weather (sniff-sniff, cough, sneeze), I think I had to let go of the idea. This shot came by when I was thinking what would be the perfect idea/shot for this week's theme.
Hence, those wet, sticky lips.
My Faith was enjoying his cup of yogurt (praying that my photo suits this week's theme). :)

A WET sloppy kiss, anyone? ;)

Suddenly in need of a stylist. Because Baba (your unofficial barber since birth) or that Indian barber you sometimes go to couldn't give what you want.

Well, my Cheekyface, sometimes we must be clear on the "need" and the "want". A "need" is something you must have and cannot do without whereas the "want" is something not absolutely necessary but would be nice for you to have.

"Yes, okay, Mommy. I "need" to get a haircut and I "want" it to be like this (pointing to the photo of a rock star I couldn't remember who), can? "

Talk about being sensible, eh? Hmm... anak mommy dah besar.


Bila sesekali dapat jumpa swimming pool,macam ni lah jadinya,berendam sampai kecut !

Min Mohd

Hero mama nyanyi pada mama...

You had my heart, and we'll never be worlds apart
Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star
Baby 'cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you, I'll always share

Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

Milin Kassim

Saturday, 7 February 2015

week 6 | PORTRAIT (1-7 Feb)

Min Mohd


February 7,2015

It's Saturday.
It's a sunny day.
 And  it's sooooo windyyyyyyyyy !
So mommy had an idea,I've removed the night curtain so that the sunlight may enter and illuminate the room space,and then ;

"Asyraff,jom main dengan angin"
"Kat mana?"
"Kat tepi tingkap"

* big grin *

 Zubye Rusli

Nine going to ten. You are kind. You are brave. You are my favorite wonderful gift of all time. I love you so much that my heart might explode. No matter what age you'll be, in my heart you are forever be my baby!

Hope, Strength and Faith : Portraits of my life.
Hope has always been there since day one. She who has never once shed darkness so as to let me know that I will survive - constantly making sure that there's light at the end of the tunnel; to believe that there's always hope. Hope is (extremely) determined, passionate and ambitious. Always believing in herself.

Strength - joyous, happy-go-lucky though shy and timid. Nevertheless, she is the one who keeps me going strong since day one. She is different; lovable and funny. Whenever I see her, I know, I am strong. She is the one who keeps giving me that constant nudge - an assurance that I am a 'hero'.

Faith is special. His presence into this world shows that Allah listens. No matter how long it takes, no matter how unclear some path might seem to you - keep your faith. Whatever discrepancies, whatever tests come to you - keep your faith. Patience is the key and that is the most obvious characteristic I see in Faith.

They are indeed the portraits of my life.

In your ihram at Miqat Bir Ali, Madinah, January 31, 2015.

Aniq Zariff Zulkifli, 
May you be the coolness of our eyes, always.
Ameen, Ya Rabb Al A'lameen.

Shine bright.
Just like the way.
You are.
Remember, you are not made for this world.
You are made for the Heaven.
To finally return Home, to your Creator.
For Eternity.
May Allah protect your soft, gentle heart.
The heart that love and fear Allah.
That you are always
of His Forgiveness, and Mercy.
That you will stay
To who you are.
No matter
How much this worldly life,
try to deceive, and pull you down.
Live up to your name.
A light, 
so beautiful.
Pure, and protected.
among the many,
whom their faces will be glowing,
Looking towards 

“And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32)

Linda Latip

Ummeh love you dedek!

Siblings, since 2008. 

What can I say, she is my favourite subject =)

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