week 9 | RARE MOMENT (22 - 28 Feb)
Sudahlah curi-curi guna komputer mama. Pakai pula 'aksesori' macam tu. Mama tertanya-tanya, watak apakah yang cuba dibawakan ini?
Min Mohd
Dear my pweeety cousin,Micha
Do you still remember that we used to fights (in words) with each other,we often argues over little things and we love to compete almost about everything (actually to get mom attention).Who can runs faster,who can swings higher,who can climbs up the 'tembok',who can sings the ABC's song correctly until Z,who eats a lot (haha),almost about everything ! And you even laughed at me when I told you I will get marry to Sara one day (dream girl at 'tadika') -- this is funny.
And in 15 to 20 years from now,this photo will remind us of our beautiful childhood story and this will be a rare moment to us one day !
This. The gadget. Let's have this as rare as possible during family time.
And it's very rare for Mommy to not edit a picture. But why not this time. This monochrome is SOOC.
Rare. How would a rare moment be? Rare to me is special in its own way.
Kakak would have a very busy year, next year, ok adik? Kakak would be starting Year 1 at both primary school and sekolah agama. Kakak would be slightly busy and she might not have that much time with you to play like this.
Rest assure, adik. Kakak would definitely leave out some time for you. She will. Ibu knows that.
And, in 10 or 20 years time, occasionally,please take a glimpse at this photo of the rare moment ibu took of both of you.Take a glimpse, and remember, as rare as the moment could be, you will be there for each other.
Mr. Cow was never your companion until you turned four. That was when you attended preschool and learned more about the value of friendship. Little by little, you gave the otherwise a mere stuffed toy a soul. Little by little, 'he', as you referred to Mr. Cow, became your chum.
Many asked you, daddy, and I whether he was a security toy. No, he was not a must everywhere, but he was a comfort to be with. Oh, he enjoyed your immense imagination, too. A true chum indeed. The way he had always been to me once upon a time :)
Abang had quite a hard time on the park today.
She gave him a quick pecked on the nose and a little warm hugs.