To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Week 13 | IN THE GARDEN (22-28 Mar)

"A garden to walk in and immensely to dream in - what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars"
~ Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (one of your classic favourites)

Your mind is the garden,
your thoughts are the seeds,
You can grow flowers,
or you can grow weeds.


Born nature-lovers. Your favourite are of course goofing around mak tok's garden. Hope, for its nature and greenery; and Strength, of course, for you can always be a princess as you always dream of. 

 Linda Latip

This, supposed to be our little garden. But being ummeh & abah, we procrastinate of about everything. Kesian anak-anak ummeh and abah. We have to be more rajin! Dah ada little gardener ni.


Che' Awe Donde, cucu Mek Bungo. 

Yes, because of your grandmother's love for flowers, your grandfather calls her "Mek Bungo". In honour of the lovely name, I have photographed you with a flower tucked behind your ear since you were a baby. Then, to honour the Kelantanese root, I started to call you "Che' Awe Donde". 

Hence, Che' Awe Donde, cucu Mek Bungo :)

Tepuk amai-amai 
Belalang kupu-kupu 
Tepuk ramai-ramai 
Nanti upah baca buku

 Susu lemak manis 
Santan kelapa muda 
Adik kakak yang manis 
Buah hati kami semua

Dalam taman ada bunga
Bunga cantik penyeri hati
Solat jangan sekali dilupa
Tanpa solat hati mati


You,and me,at the garden.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Week 12 | MOTION (15 - 21 Mar)

It was Saturday - your always busy day. Soccer practice in the morning and Islamic class in the afternoon. In the evening you brought home my favorite cheesecake because you said "it is Mother's Day today in this part of the world, I think" and you played me your unfinished-still-strugglin'-strummin' song.

Min Mohd

Zubye Rusli

ATV ride with dear cousin.

"Ivy, smile!"

You said that you have always preferred to play with older children, but seeing you with Ivy, I think you secretly enjoy the company of younger friends, too. Oh, how you clowned around. You even rolled on the ground, just being silly. All for your little cousin.


Today's 'motions' are as proposed by three young members of the 'parliment' house:

1. I am still in holiday mode. I miss the boat and cidomo rides.
2. I am the princess in this house, so I can still be considered a baby.
3. What's wrong with all the women in this house?

No guess of who's saying which. ;)

That joy in your eyes.  Put a smile in my heart.  I just love seeing you cruise.   I hope one day I get to cruise with you.  But until I get to over come the fear of putting both my feet on the board, I guess I'll just remain behind the lens. Even Adik is catching up! Sigh I can only imagine the joy of the adrenalin rush - being able to fly with your feet. One day, in shaa Allah, I'll be joining you sweetheart. I can also imagine one day I see you cruising with your hijab on, that will be cool. My little young lady skater. Oh but I hope the time will not fly so soon! Please don't grow up too fast.

On the other note, I haven't tried panning for the longest time.  The last time probably back when I was taking pictures of sports. I wonder why I never thought of doing this while you skate with Daddy before? Alhamdulillah, glad that I finally thought about it. Got a few panning shots of you both that day.  But I definitely have a lot to improve till I get the image I truly love of you two. In shaa Allah.

Abang and his newfound love. Ghaz the man. My G Man. 

Fast fast fast ! Keep moving fast Asyraff ! I need a motion ! How to mommy? This big yellow thing sama berat (or maybe more berat) than me ! Errrr...look at that face expression -- I can hear the 'vrroommm' sound effect,LOL ~

Saturday, 14 March 2015

week 11 | BEDTIME STORY (8-14 Mar)

Linda Latip

My Bedtime Story.

Min Mohd

This bedtime story reminds us that Allah helps the believers in wonderful days. He hears the prayers of His servants, even if what they want seems impossible. Good night and sweet dreams my love!

Nish Halim

As I was thinking what to write in this post I asked him if he still remember the last bedtime story I read for him.
"It's been a long time, Mommy. Mana lah ingat..."
Ye lah...benda baik yang Mommy buat memang susah nak ingat kan? (teasing him)
"Why did you say that Mommy, why would you say something like that?" (sound worried) 
Nothing, just testing you...

(p a u s e)

"Ingat lah.. It was Charlotte's Web"
You were 9, you still remember?
"Am also testing you, mommy. Reversed psychology..." (senyum sambil angkat kening)

Zubye Rusli

Isnin 10.30 malam.

“ Irfan, tidurlah ye. Lambat sangat dah ni. Esok Irfan ada math exam kan? ”
“ Tapi Irfan ada mission belum selesai, Mama.”
“ Mission apa? Tidurlah dulu. Esok pagi-pagi Irfan bangun, buat mission tu ok?”
“ Tapi Irfan tinggal 2 mukasurat je Surah Ibrahim nak habiskan. Irfan nak habiskan jugak hari ni. Mission Irfan, esok nak start baca surah baru. Mama rasa boleh ke tak Irfan baca satu surah satu hari?”
“ InsyaAllah boleh, kalau Irfan rajin membaca.”

Lalu kamu pun mencapai Al-Quran atas meja sebelah katil dan menyambung kaji yang kamu baca selepas maghrib tadi; 2 mukasurat terakhir surah Ibrahim. Setelah selesai, kamu baring lalu tidur nyenyak sekali.

It was a very beautiful bedtime story I have ever heard, son. Indeed it was.


What a challenging week for ibu. Faith was hospitalised for three nights. Alhamdulillah, everything is okay now and we are back at home.

'25 Blessed Prophets' with Hope and Strength for our bedtime story to remind us that Allah is  indeed Great.

Reading to you at bedtime is my favourite activity. Sometimes, you would be the one reading. Which I love. 

This week has been a roller coaster ride for me though. When it was time for us to sleep, instead of reading, we talked. Heavy issues. Every single day. After such a serious talk, often, you felt like putting yourself to sleep with a feel-good element, and I encouraged that. 

Oh, you were also affected by mommy's non-existent mood to read. Therefore, you chose an unconventional bedtime story. Movie. 

Thank you for the courage, Private. Thank you for the hope, Hiro. Thank you for the positivity, Paddington.

"Talhah Pejuang Islam"
Ini antara buku siri sahabat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang menjadi kegemaran kamu,just a simple book with illustrator,dan cuma ada lima belas muka surat,tapi malam itu kamu mengantuk sangat,belum pun sempat habis daddy bercerita tapi kamu dah lelap,lena hingga ke pagi...and that's how our bedtime story ends...zzzz 

What happen when we bring our (new) favourite bedtime story to the park?

It was a little awkward at the beginning (I think the last time we had this you were still very little, and not that we did this often),  but once the girls got hooked to the book, voilĂ ! They can't wait to exchange books to read more!  What a beautiful way to start our fun time at the park :)

Adik wanted to follow, but she had school.

I promise we'll do this again, in shaa Allah. And next time we'll bring picnic mat, snugly pillows, throw blankets and of course food + drinks.  I can imagine how cosy it will be!

Picnic + books + play can never go wrong, don't you think?

Saturday, 7 March 2015

week 10 | HEART (1-7 Mar)

I heart spaghetti mama! nom nom nom

Zubye Rusli

Senario ini mama lihat hari-hari. Balik sekolah, belum sempat masuk dalam rumah, ini perkara pertama yang kamu lakukan. Kamu tanya mama, mereka sudah makan atau belum. Kamu tanya makanan untuk mereka masih ada atau sudah habis. Sebelum kamu sendiri makan tengahari, kamu memberi mereka makan dahulu, melihat mereka menghabiskan makanan sampai hati kamu puas. Disebabkan kamu ada asthma, kini mama banyak mengawal hubungan kamu dengan mereka. Sudah tidak boleh dipeluk-peluk dan dicium-cium selalu. Kalau hendak pegang pun bersyarat. Tetapi, bagi kamu ianya tidak mengapa, kamu masih boleh menzahirkan rasa kasih di hati kamu dengan cara kamu sendiri. Melalui perlakuan kamu yang mengambil berat tentang mereka seperti ini. Tidak dapat sentuh pun tidak mengapa. Gambar ini adalah ilustrasi tentang hati kamu. Kamu punya hati yang penyayang dan juga pengasih. Kamu lucu adakalanya sensitif. Kamu periang tetapi mudah tersentuh melihat kepayahan makhluk lain. Kamu disenangi oleh ramai orang dan kamu membalasnya dengan hati yang berterima kasih.


Heart. My heart. 

My heart skipped a beat when you were unwell. It was like as if my heart was shattered into pieces. Tiny pieces. I just couldn't do anything else at all. 

I am glad that you have come back and mend the broken pieces and my heart is now brand new. Shiny brand new 'pink' heart, as Strength would have said; and the brand new heart will sound like this, "Bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom" as Hope would have described.

Somehow, my heart beats to a very special tune, and it beats to this, "Hope-Strength-Faith. Hope-Strength-Faith. Hope-Strength-Faith."

Kamal ❤︎ Khalish

Milin Kassim

Our Heart and Soul.
You Three
Kakak, Adik and our littlest Nur Jannah.
Oh littlest one
We miss you so,
Mommy always pray
Allah unite us all again,
with your little sister in Jannah.
Till eternity.
So guard your HEART,
My Love.
It's probably the hardest thing to do.
You may find yourself stumble.
A million time, or more.
Hear it from me.
But never lose hope.
For His promise is true.

The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, except him who brings to Allah a clean heart.
~Surah Ash-Shu'ara: 88-89

Love always,
Mommy & Daddy.


I 'heart' that first smile when he wake up every morning !

Nish Halim

Heart and soul.

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