To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Week 17 | EMOTIONS (19-25 April)

My Girly Girl Baby D.
I titled this : Cranky Level 3

Min Mohd


Two different personalities; two different emotions.


Ameer Asyraff
6 year's old
Stubborn like mommy (sometime),but is soft-hearted and gentle like daddy use to be :)

Nish Halim


Zubye Rusli

Life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by so quick you can hardly catch it going.
~ Tennessee Williams

Milin Kassim

... and put your heart to it.
You will hear the colours sing to you.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Week 16 | FRAMED (12 - 18 April)

Keep calm and jump high.


I am framing this in my mind to remember how serious you are everytime you are assigned a task. Focused.

Min Mohd

Nish Halim 

Herein and hereafter.

Milin Kassim

Isn't reading fun?
Many hilarious thing could come out from it!
Don't you think?

Hey you,yes you,you've got framed ! (does this make sense) *errk

Linda Latip

My G-man at The Stadthuy, Malacca.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Week 15 | SOMETHING YOU DO EVERYDAY (5 - 11 April)

Check rambut. Then bother Mommy with questions like "do you think it looks great/cool/cun mommy?" Sure.  Conscious sangattttt dah. Pening kepala. But still, I love it that your self-grooming skill is getting better. No more masam hair  & armpit for that matter!


Something you do everyday is to shed those tears and cry your heart out whenever I have to put you in your safety zone and do some chores.

Something you do everyday is to watch me at every single nook and cranny I go about the house and make sure you will not lose sight of me.

Something you do everyday is to always make sure I respond no matter how you call me.

Something you do everyday is to play on your own with confidence once that you are sure I am within your vicinity.

Something you do everyday is to show me that all these mean you love me and need me.

Something that you always do. Everyday.


Linda Latip

Something I do falling. In love with you. Even deeper and  unmeasureable.  x

Zubye Rusli

Some days are simply meant for playing. To this boy it means everyday!


Something you do everyday (without fail) ; drawing a picture of a trucks (tons of truck actually),playing games on my phone (until I have to warned you to stop) and playing with your favorite toy car collections,it's a must activity,everyday at anytime !

Milin Kassim

Every day is an amusing day.
Every night is a dazzling night.
And we wrap it all up with
a bedtime story.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Week 14 | GUFFAW (29 Mar - 4 Apr)

"Bahahah bad move lah, Baba! I got your Queen now. Eat ur heart out!"

Aniq Zariff's latest craze : Chess! Chess! Chess!

Min Mohd

Sambil main Lego, berlakon. Sambil berlakon, gelak terbahak-bahak.

It's okay if we fall, my love.  Sometimes all we need to do is just laugh at our silliness - isn't laughter the best medicine? Laugh your head off. Loosen up. And then, get up and do better. In shaa Allah. We can do it!

Yes dedek, Get well super sonic soon. We miss your silly joke and the contagious laugh. :)


That's what crossed my mind when my finger managed to snap this shot. I leave the rest for you to guffaw too.

Pabila engkau ketawa. 
Ruang yang gelap menjadi terang. 
Hati yang suram bertukar senang. 
Hanya pabila... 
aku melihat engkau ketawa.

Burst out with a great guffaw cos' we deserve a quality time together my love...

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