To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Week 22 | UNIVERSE (24-30 May)

U (n) + I (v) = US

Min Mohd


"The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now. My universe will never be the same, I'm glad you came (into my life)."

Taken from: The Wanted - Glad You Came

Zubye Rusli

Hatimu murni bak danau suci. Langkahmu kau hayunkan seluas samudera. Ke mana jauh kau pergi, benua mana pun kau teroka, budimu mesti kau pasakkan ke dalam jiwa.

Khalish, find your-true-self, and that is the core of your universe.

Linda Latip

Kesayangan satu universe kami.


Milin Kassim

Dear Nur Jannah,

You are now in the most beautiful part of the Universe.
Roaming freely in a Garden so enchanting.
Would we be joining you?
Would we get to finally be among the ones,
"whose faces, that day, will be glowing. Looking towards their Lord." (Quran 75: 22-23)
We are still here, trapped on this Earth.
Longing to see you.
But sometimes we got slipped away,
being pulled by this worldly life.
Forgetting what is important.
Then, He pull us back to His path
Our knees fall down to the earth,
Our head prostrating,
submitting to the One and Only.
Then, we slip again,
And He brought us back again,
in tears repenting to Allah.
No matter how many times we slip
I pray
that we never lose hope of His Mercy.
That Allah forgive our sins, purify our hearts,
Giving us a beautiful ending in this Life,
Returning to Him as Husnul Khoatimah.
And that we finally be reunited,
little one
For eternity.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Week 21 | IQRA' (17-23 May)


Surah Al-'Alaq (The Clot)

Recite with the name of your Lord Who created,
He made man from the clot of blood,
Recite, for your Lord is the Most Generous,
Who taught writing by the pen.
Taught man what not.
Yes, undoubtedly, man transgresses.
Because, he thought himself self-sufficient.
Undoubtedly, unto your Lord is the return. Taught man what he knew
Well, you see him who forbids
A bondman of Ours when he offers prayer.
well, you see if he would have been on guidance,
Or he would have commanded piety, what a good thing it had been.
Well you see, if he belied and turned back, then what would be his condition.
Did he not know that Allah is seeing?
Yes, if he desisted not, We will assuredly drag him by catching his forelock hairs.
forelock of what type, lying, sinful.
Now let him call his association
Just now We call Our guards.
Yes, hear him not and prostrate and draw near to Us.

Nish Halim

Al A'la (The Most High) is your all time favorite surah. The first ever long surah you memorized when you were 9. The one which always excites you whenever the Imam recites; simply because you can tag along. Yet, there are still many more that we need to understand and memorize. Reading alone is not enough. For The Quran is not a book of SCIENCE, my dearest son. It is the ultimate book of SIGNS. 

One of her favourite now. 
Main baca-baca.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Week 20 | HERO (10-16 May)

Khalish, when I was your age, one of my favourite television series was The Incredible Hulk. The idea of a scientist whose temperament and appearance were affected by a failed experiment was simply amusing to a child. But then again, my seven-year-old self was easily amused with everything.

Years later, came The Avengers. I have entered my 30's at that time. Superheroes did not give me the same excitement any longer. Until I found out that one of the characters in the aforementioned movie was The Incredible Hulk. Exclamation marks. After all, I was reminded of my childhood character. I also remembered the real reason of my admiration towards Hulk. It was the way he overcame challenges in life. 

Unlike in 2012, I was not able to join daddy and you to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron this year. Knowing how I missed Hulk, you entertained me by re-enacting the scenes from the movie. Never mind the forgotten script. I preferred your version. The aisle of the toy shop was more interesting than the cinema, too. 

At the end of your performance, you gave me a look. Your eyes were fierce behind the mask. "I am truly sad, truly mad to go now, but I know we will see each other again."

What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely. Seeing how you have endured your school years (so far) in this challenging land, I must say you are a Superman yourself. Keep it sincere and always reach out to help others okay?That's a super power that will win you in the world herein and hereafter.


As much as you look up to me - when you need me to spread the butter on your bread, when you need me to unzip your uniform, when you need me to mend your broken toys, when you need me to feed you - as if I am the only hero who could save you; as much of that I break down and cry. How can someone so imperfect as me, be the 'hero' of these three little person? 

The truth is, YOU are the actual hero because without you needing me, I won't be able to do what you ask me to do. Without you requesting me, I might not know the solutions to even half of the problem that you need my help with. 

To my heroes - Hope, Strength and Faith. Thank you for saving me.


A mom is a son's first love,and dad is a son's first HERO.

Min Mohd

Linda Latip

We dedicated this post to our HERO.

love you Abah


 Zubye Rusli

Kenapa hero? Sebab tiap kalinya Abah tiada di rumah, kamu menawarkan diri untuk 'menjaga' mama tika malam datang, kita tidur sama-sama. Kan semangat pahlawan nampaknya itu?

Milin Kassim

One fine day,

"Daddy, I have one question. 

Do you know who is the best human (ever lived) on earth?"

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Week 19 | PICNIC (3-9 May)

On the last night your Opah was here, I baked her favourite marble cake, your favourite cheese nachos and we had a lil' picnic in the living room. Baba was the lighting guy following my orders like I was the Tuan Direktor Ahmad Nesfu as Opah fondly calls me when I get behind my cam.  We took hundreds of photos (because I was struggling shooting in the dark on manual mode) and you cracked a few jokes with Opah, as always, teasing her. Am not sure how well have I captured all the moments we have spent together for us to recall it someday, but know that I will have this on record forever: I am so blessed to be your mother and so so grateful that I am my mother's daughter. 


Linda Latip

Our perfect sunday on the beach. Picnic yeay!

To you, a weekend in Rembau would not be a weekend in Rembau without being at the backyard. Running, rolling, and, if it rains, reading. Be it with your cousins or simply alone.

The backyard again one fine day last week. No cousin around, but you still enjoyed yourself. Atuk and Wan were entertained with your senseless three-level football. Daddy and I were happy to be under the shade with you during tea time. 

Now, I dream of a house with such a beautiful yard where you may play and picnic every day.

Someone is having a tea party with her picnic friends when she suddenly realizes,
"Oh no, I haven't done my homework!"


As much as a picnic that rhymes with (a) food;
You don't think that's the idea, of point or a two;
Your picnic involves animals - it is a must do;
That's when you feed them - I am sure you will do!

And we break a cliche picnic rule by doing it on a balcony,facing the pool and a wide blue ocean,a balcony picnic ! 

Min Mohd

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Week 18 | BLUR (26 April-2 May)

There was a time,when suddenly someone asked me,where do you see yourself/life should be in five years from now??? For a few seconds my thought are blur... --- "may be...when I wake up every morning and I can see my child lying and smiling next to me.May be.May be."And today after several years,I am proud to be a full-time mother of one ! Remember that every single words came out from your mouth it's dua'.

Sebab ada waktu-waktunya, segalanya kelihatan kabur. Jalan di hadapan tidak nampak jelas. Hendak melangkah pun terasa perit. Namun, itu bukan selamanya. Di setiap kesedihan ada yang indah menanti di hadapan. Setiap kehilangan ada yang lebih baik Tuhan gantikan. Sebab Tuhan itu Maha Baik. Tidak selamanya dibiarkan hari mendung dicurah hujan. Dikirimkan matahari untuk bersinar kembali. Memberi harapan baru, satu kekuatan, yang hidup ini perlu diteruskan.

Linda Latip

Min Mohd

Milin Kassim

That Look. That Smile. That Confident.
When you get to cruise.
Like a little bird, who finally gets its wings.
To fly.
Soaring high.

Nish Halim

Check mate, mommy!
Say what?!


As blur as how the future might be, I can still see all of you there. I pray to Allah, I will be there with you.

You may not know the truest definition of friendship yet, but there is no blurred line when it comes to who your best friends are. Always daddy and mommy. 

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