To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

WEEK 44 | NOW IS BEAUTIFUL (25 - 31 OCT 2015)

Don't cry over the past, it's gone.
Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived.
Do your best to live in the now
and make it beautiful.

I love the fact that you would still think of your favourite people while having a great time. And I pray that such sweetness and thoughtfulness will never outgrow you.



Ayah was a bit shy when I told him I wanted to use this photo. I asked him, "Why?". He said, "Muka ayah tu...".

I told him, it does not matter. What matters to me is, I was the one who captured the moment. I love this rare moment of bonding. I love watching the sincerity of a father-daughter happiness.

To me, what I see right now, is beautiful.

Milin Kassim

Linda Latip

Min Mohd

Yes, you and I share a lip balm. No gender bias in our home and that is beautiful.

Monday, 26 October 2015

WEEK 43 | WHAT'S COOKING (18 - 24 October 2015)

The first thing you ever baked on your own was M&M's cookies. The first thing you ever cooked on your own was fried rice. Starting at the age of nine. 

You used to love cooking a lot and you would watch The Masterchef Australia even on repeat. 
But as the years passed by you began to love soccer more than anything and I kinda miss having my cheeky boy messing around my kitchen. 

Yet, at the same time I am happy that you are the independent young chap who can fix his own grilled cheese sandwich whenever he fancies, whisk up some nice omelette on school mornings or make himself a bowl of noodles on rainy days. 

Perhaps cooking is not a No.1 on your preteen's list right now but it always warm my heart whenever you sneak up behind me, asking "masak apa ni? bau sedap, Mommy!" and everytime you offer your hands to help in the kitchen. My most favourite thing is to have you do the food tasting because after all these years you are still my worst critic yet my best real-life testimony.


Min Mohd

We were having some baked potatoes, but you decided to have mashed potatoes instead.


 Hope is entering the stage where she begins to like helping in the kitchen. Anytime she knows that I am in my 'office',she will immediately come down to the kitchen. I don't often ask for her help because I need her to tend to her brother and sister;but I can't deny those doe eyes whenever she says, "Please??? I love cooking with you."

I will usually delegate her some simple tasks - whisking the omelette batter, peeling the onions (she says she has this special skill of peeling without the use of knife - her reasoning whenever I don't allow her to use the knife), washing the dishes, passing the salt and sugar - anything. As long as she can be there - in the kitchen- with me.

Today, we had a visitor. 
"Now, what's there you are cooking for me, kakak?' asked Faith to Hope.

The first time he prepared a cup of instant noodle on his own. Not an achievement to be proud of, heh. Oh, at least, I now know that he is careful enough while using hot water. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

WEEK 42 | BENEATH YOUR FEET (11 - 17 October 2015)

Min Mohd

Zubye Rusli

When I'm with you, nothing else matters.

Milin Kassim

Those dainty little  toes,
and that cute, teeny wrinkles
underneath your feet..
always have a soft spot in my heart.


Nish Halim

Kaki bola.



Beneath your feet, there's nothingness. Only those smooth skin layering your flesh; unlike mine - full of crease and jagged lines. You still have a long way to go before yours turn into mine. Long way of exploring the world, long way of getting to know the occupants, long way of getting to know that some of the occupants might be cruel to you - nevertheless, continue walking. 

Walk until you could not feel your feet anymore because that would be the time that beneath your feet would turn exactly into mine. 

Never fret. Only cowards do.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Week 41 | REWARD (4 - 10 October 2015)

Min Mohd

Nish Halim


 Zubye Rusli

"Always reward your long hours of labor and toil in the very best way, surrounded by your family. Nurture their love carefully, remembering that your children need models, not critics, and your own progress will hasten when you constantly strive to present your best side to your children. And even if you have failed at all else in the eyes of the world, if you have a loving family, you are a success."
- Og Mandino


A reward to you would be a treat of Vitagen if you managed to finish your breakfast. Yes, all three of you.

It is always rewarding for all parents in the era of technology to see their respective children engaged in creative play. Exactly how daddy and I felt each time you pretended to bake a rainbow cake from modelling doughs, or design a robot out of the boxes, or renovate the house to your taste, or become the characters in your own movie. Endless possibilities there. Hope you will continue to tweak your imagination outside of Minecraft *winks*

That smile...


Sunday, 4 October 2015

week 40 | TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY (28 Sept - 3 Oct 2015)

Min Mohd

Nish Halim

Settling down with the new home & nasi lemak celebration. Alhamdulilah!


Today was a good day for ibu. Ibu was very happy because she made her friends happy. Ibu also made new friends and ibu met her AmazingYouProject team members for the first time and ibu is still reminiscing about it.

Today was a good day for Hope and Strength. Well, it was announced that school is off for two days. 

Today, might not be such a good day for my Faith. He was the last person to get the notice that school is off. Well, it does show on his face. 

 Imagine the script going through his head, "Tomorrow is Monday but I can't have ibu all to myself? Why? Why? I thought Monday is school day?"

Anyhow, today was a good day. 

You and books are separable. Yes, separable. Unless you want to push the bedtime. You are more synonym with all sorts of art, as well as, of course, Lego. Like daddy, you are also into movies. Which was how you met Greg, the wimpy kid. 

I was not ecstatic about the character initially. Mischievous, sarcastic, and well, wimpy. Not a role-model material. It was better for me to put myself in your shoes though. Looking back at a seven-year-old Chech, I had to chuckle. Among other things, I was crazy about Transformers, Jam, ThunderCats, Ultraman, and even Kesatria Baja Hitam!

Imagine my parents' concerns then. It has been natural for humans to notice the surface first and foremost. Therefore, they, like all adults, who did not prefer to spend their time in front of the television for the aforementioned children's series, merely saw the violent Transformers, the sexy Jam, the illogical ThunderCats, the ridiculous Ultraman, and the even more ridiculous Kesatria Baja Hitam. At first. 

After a while, my parents started to see beyond the surface. The fact that Transformers taught me about creativity. Jam, originality. ThunderCats, adventures. Ultraman, fun. Kesatria Baja Hitam, the feel good factors. 

What has Greg introduced to Khalish? Aside from the importance of being true to yourself, he has found the reader in you. I did read the first 25 pages the way it often was, but you continued to read the next 50 pages on your own. Little by little, you are conquering your first novel. 

Books and you are still separable. Yet, I love it that both of you are now closer. Thanks to the so-called mischievous, sarcastic, and well, wimpy kid. Today was a good discovery.

Everyday is a good day. If we choose to see it.

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