week 52
Mama, Khaled nak pergi bantu kawan-kawan Khaled yang sedang dalam kesusahan kerana banjir, kesian kawan-kawan Khaled, mesti tengah sejuk, lapar dan macam-macam lagi. Kalau banjir surut, Khaled nak bantu bina semula rumah mereka.Tapi sebelum Khaled pergi, Khaled nak susu sikit dulu, boleh tak mama?
Dalam hidup ini, tidak perlu pun kamu jadi yang terbaik di kalangan semua. You don't have to, my son. Kamu hanya perlu menjadi orang yang baik. Orang baik adalah orang yang berani. Dan menjadi berani itu juga merupakan satu pilihan. Kamu boleh memilih menjadi berani untuk berbuat baik dengan semua makhluk di muka bumi ini. Berani menzahirkan rasa ihsanmu dengan cara membantu. Berani menyatakan kasih sayang melalui sikap perihatin dan watak yang membahagiakan semua orang. Berani mempertahankan setiap makhluk yang dalam kesusahan. Apabila melihat kawanmu disakiti, kamu berani menawarkan bahumu berkongsi kesedihan yang dilaluinya. Biar semua orang mengatakan dia salah, tetapi kamu berani memilih untuk lebih mengasihi, bukan membenci. Dan pada tahun ini mama dapat lihat kualiti-kualiti itu semakin menyinar dalam diri kamu. Mamalah ibu yang bahagia.
It has been a sad and challenging year, but it was beautiful too. We lost our loved ones, and most dearly your beloved Atok. It was not easy for us. Yet alhamdulillah, now words could describe how Allah has been so merciful and loving towards us through our most difficult time.
Just before Atok left us, Allah blessed us with two weeks time to be by his side. And more than that, it felt as if the time had been stopped for us so we could cherish every moment spent with him. Adik, you were too little but still you could understand our mourning. Kakak, you could not stop crying the moment Atok left all of us. But when you saw his face one last time before we did a prayer for him your cry subsided, and alhamdulillah you were at peace.
"Why Atok smile Mommy?" I would not forget that question you asked me.
At that second I could not find a better way than to tell you, "Because Atok is returning to Allah. And I guess (I pray) he is happy. In shaa Allah"
Yes, death is the end of our life in this world. But it is most certainly the beginning of our next life, the eternal life. Everyone will face death one day. It is certain. And it should be our destination in this life. That moment we two sat by Atok was like a blessing Allah bestowed upon us. You were so hurt, losing your Atok. But that pain in your heart - as if - had gone immediately when you discovered Atok is going to meet his Creator. That this life is only temporary and our final destination is meeting our Lord. And we must not stop asking for His forgiveness and mercy to save us from the Fire and let us enter Jannah together with our loved ones. That we must strive to do good in this temporary world, preparing ourselves to meet Him. May Allah forgive us and purify our souls upon returning to Him. May Allah grant us a beautiful ending in this life.
We leave 2014 with a smile, not because we have survived the year. But because Allah has given us the chance to taste the sorrow and sweetness of being a human. To seek His forgiveness and to rely on no one but Him. Only Allah. He do not let us alone. His mercy and blessings are endless we could never ever count His favour.
"And when my servants ask you (O Muhammad), concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. Let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way." ~ (Quran, 2:186)
We enter 2015 with a hope, not because we are strong to walk on. But because we know we are weak, yet Allah is taking care of us, guiding us all through the way.
"And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak." ~ (Quran, 4 : 28)