To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Week 26 | SUN FLARE (21 - 27 June)

Min Mohd

Zubye Rusli

Ramadhan di kampung. Kaillah kebahagiaan melalui hal-hal kecil yang engkau lalui saban hari, duhai anak. Kerna jika sedemikian sikapmu, apa pun kesulitan yang bakal kau tempuh, akan bisa engkau tersenyum dan senang pula mengucap syukur.

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart | Kahlil Gibran


Ibu is not so proud of this shot because I think it was not my best, but I was and still am very proud with the moment this shot was taken. I did not realise until I saw the photo on my camera screen.

Eversince the historic roller-coaster ride you took, somehow you have gained this inner strength and confidence. The moment this shot was taken was when you asked,

"Ibu, can I go to the space? I want to see the moon and stars." 

The sun flare seemed to appear alike an idea-bulb on you. Strength, good for you, baby! You are becoming braver each day. I am so proud of you. If exploring the moon and the stars is what you really want to do. I will let you. As long as you are happy. I will still love you.

"Your thoughts are your messages to the world. Just as the rays are the messages of the sun."
- Amit Ray

Linda Latip

Milin Kassim

Oh how beautiful is the light!
May it shine on you - showering with truth, kindness and love.


Boleh terbang,tapi tiap tiap terbang mesti pulang.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Week 25 | A IS FOR...(14 - 20 June)

Min Mohd

A is for ALED


A is for A  Y  A  H

Thank you for being the best ayah in the whole wide world.

 Zubye Rusli

A untuk ANUGERAH terindah.

"Sungguh beruntung manusia yang dapat mengail kesenangan dari hal-hal kecil yang sederhana."
Betapa keberuntungan itu dapat Mama rasakan saat melihat permandangan yang biasa-biasa dan serba sederhana seperti ini. Kisah panjang di sebalik gambar ini telah dapat mama coretkan di sini. Bersyukurlah anak, kerna segala yang kita ada ini adalah satu Anugerah.

Nish Halim

A n a k - A n u g e r a h - A m a n a h - A L L A H


A is for ASYRAFF & "ATOMEN " ! That is how he pronounce Ultraman hehe...


A is for 'adventure'.

Hat, sunglasses, binoculars, and camera ready.
Let's go!

Milin Kassim

“Is, then, He Who creates comparable to any that cannot create? Will you not, then, take heed? For should you try to count Allah’s blessings, you could never compute them…” (An-Nahl 16:17-19).

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Week 24 | BIRDS EYE VIEW (7-13 June)

"Birds eye view" interpretasiku.

You are not a bookworm, not yet, but, if there is a title on the shelf that awakens your curiosity, like this particular Jurassic Poop, not even a flying pterodactyl could swerve your attention from those pages.


"Don't worry, sayang. Ayah has bird's eye view on you. I will hold you and take care of you."
I guess, that would be what was written in my husband's mind. How I would interprete it.

Nish Halim

Min Mohd

Linda Latip

My favourite view.

Oh, imagine the places you will go.
Flying up high, like a bird.
Oh, imagine all the beautiful sights.
You will get to see, looking down.
No, you're not in an air-plane,
or riding a hot air balloon.
But you are truly, truly flying,
Like a bird.
Or perhaps like the (imaginary) superman.
Flying up, and down.
Above the seas, through the valleys.
Feeling the smooth blowing of the wind,
onto your face.
The smell of the fresh air.
Oh, will that day come?
When you finally get to really fly.
Far-fetched it seems,
 in this temporary world.
But don't stop dreaming. 
For the hereafter,
awaits you.
Without a doubt.
So promise?
You do good, 
And above all,
Trust and obey the One who creates you.
For indeed His promise is TRUE.

"They will have there all that their hearts desire and in which their eyes find delight. 
You will remain in it timelessly, forever, " (Quran, 43 : 71)

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Week 23 | HOW HIGH CAN YOU GO? (31 May - 6 June)


If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly
Just for the chance
Just for the moment
Should the moment pass us by
and if you ask once I'll tell you twice
I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together
for a while

Taken from : Debbie Gibson - We Could be Together

Zubye Rusli

Lantaran kentalnya jiwa, azam memuncak berlumba-lumba, hati dipadu kuat dan padat, maka langit pun tidak bisa menjadi limit tingginya cita-cita.

Nish Halim

12 + and current height at 170cm. Pengsan!

Milin Kassim

It was a hot day, and after a very tiring journey on foot - in a town you are so unfamiliar with. So what do you do?

Board a train back and read a comic you just bought :)

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr Seuss.

Yup, you can even reach the clouds - and enjoy the chill - if you want to when your nose is always smurfing for books ;)

On the other note, I tried something different when photographing this time.  For the fun of it. Hiked up the ISO to 3200 and set the aperture to f/11. In a broad daylight, inside a train coach. Definitely something I rarely do, especially the ISO part. Hey, it was awesome to try out something out of your norms once in a while!

 "A high stack of food for me, please." 
- The boy who keeps growing

Min Mohd

Linda Latip

Challenge yourself my dear boy.

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