Week 24 | BIRDS EYE VIEW (7-13 June)
You are not a bookworm, not yet, but, if there is a title on the shelf that awakens your curiosity, like this particular Jurassic Poop, not even a flying pterodactyl could swerve your attention from those pages.
"Don't worry, sayang. Ayah has bird's eye view on you. I will hold you and take care of you."
I guess, that would be what was written in my husband's mind. How I would interprete it.
Nish Halim
Min Mohd
Linda Latip
My favourite view.
Nish Halim
Min Mohd
My favourite view.

Oh, imagine the places you will go.
Flying up high, like a bird.
Oh, imagine all the beautiful sights.
You will get to see, looking down.
No, you're not in an air-plane,
or riding a hot air balloon.
But you are truly, truly flying,
Like a bird.
Or perhaps like the (imaginary) superman.
Flying up, and down.
Above the seas, through the valleys.
Feeling the smooth blowing of the wind,
onto your face.
The smell of the fresh air.
Oh, will that day come?
When you finally get to really fly.
Far-fetched it seems,
in this temporary world.
But don't stop dreaming.
For the hereafter,
awaits you.
Without a doubt.
So promise?
You do good,
And above all,
Trust and obey the One who creates you.
For indeed His promise is TRUE.
"They will have there all that their hearts desire and in which their eyes find delight.
You will remain in it timelessly, forever, " (Quran, 43 : 71)
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