To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Week 13 | IN THE GARDEN (22-28 Mar)

"A garden to walk in and immensely to dream in - what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars"
~ Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (one of your classic favourites)

Your mind is the garden,
your thoughts are the seeds,
You can grow flowers,
or you can grow weeds.


Born nature-lovers. Your favourite are of course goofing around mak tok's garden. Hope, for its nature and greenery; and Strength, of course, for you can always be a princess as you always dream of. 

 Linda Latip

This, supposed to be our little garden. But being ummeh & abah, we procrastinate of about everything. Kesian anak-anak ummeh and abah. We have to be more rajin! Dah ada little gardener ni.


Che' Awe Donde, cucu Mek Bungo. 

Yes, because of your grandmother's love for flowers, your grandfather calls her "Mek Bungo". In honour of the lovely name, I have photographed you with a flower tucked behind your ear since you were a baby. Then, to honour the Kelantanese root, I started to call you "Che' Awe Donde". 

Hence, Che' Awe Donde, cucu Mek Bungo :)

Tepuk amai-amai 
Belalang kupu-kupu 
Tepuk ramai-ramai 
Nanti upah baca buku

 Susu lemak manis 
Santan kelapa muda 
Adik kakak yang manis 
Buah hati kami semua

Dalam taman ada bunga
Bunga cantik penyeri hati
Solat jangan sekali dilupa
Tanpa solat hati mati


You,and me,at the garden.


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