To love, to share. To learn from one another. To remind ourselves children are amazing gifts, beautiful amanah from Allah.

For every moment photographed, love is spread.

Alhamdulillah, for a chance waking up to beautiful little people, spoiling us with their big, big LOVE.

These are visual stories of our children. One week at a time. In shaa Allah.

Monday 26 October 2015

WEEK 43 | WHAT'S COOKING (18 - 24 October 2015)

The first thing you ever baked on your own was M&M's cookies. The first thing you ever cooked on your own was fried rice. Starting at the age of nine. 

You used to love cooking a lot and you would watch The Masterchef Australia even on repeat. 
But as the years passed by you began to love soccer more than anything and I kinda miss having my cheeky boy messing around my kitchen. 

Yet, at the same time I am happy that you are the independent young chap who can fix his own grilled cheese sandwich whenever he fancies, whisk up some nice omelette on school mornings or make himself a bowl of noodles on rainy days. 

Perhaps cooking is not a No.1 on your preteen's list right now but it always warm my heart whenever you sneak up behind me, asking "masak apa ni? bau sedap, Mommy!" and everytime you offer your hands to help in the kitchen. My most favourite thing is to have you do the food tasting because after all these years you are still my worst critic yet my best real-life testimony.


Min Mohd

We were having some baked potatoes, but you decided to have mashed potatoes instead.


 Hope is entering the stage where she begins to like helping in the kitchen. Anytime she knows that I am in my 'office',she will immediately come down to the kitchen. I don't often ask for her help because I need her to tend to her brother and sister;but I can't deny those doe eyes whenever she says, "Please??? I love cooking with you."

I will usually delegate her some simple tasks - whisking the omelette batter, peeling the onions (she says she has this special skill of peeling without the use of knife - her reasoning whenever I don't allow her to use the knife), washing the dishes, passing the salt and sugar - anything. As long as she can be there - in the kitchen- with me.

Today, we had a visitor. 
"Now, what's there you are cooking for me, kakak?' asked Faith to Hope.

The first time he prepared a cup of instant noodle on his own. Not an achievement to be proud of, heh. Oh, at least, I now know that he is careful enough while using hot water. 


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