Week 52.
Yup, that's it. It is the end.
So many things to be said, but I have suddenly become lost of words. First of all, I would like to convey my heartiest thank you to Kak Min, Kak Zubye and Milin for this wonderful, wonderful opportunities of becoming a part of the AmazingYouProject2015 team.
A very special thanks to kak Zubye, my mentor, for the invitation and for the 200% trust she gave me though sometimes, I, myself, do not have the highest confidence level in me. Thank you also to Linda, Chech, Nish and Maznie for the support throughout the year of the project.
To my husband and the three important models for this project - my Hope,Strength and Faith - four of you have been my strongest supporters and motivators and without the four of you, I won't be able to complete this project.
Throughout the year, I have learned many. I learn that being a mother can sometimes be an unglamorous 'job' ever in this whole wide world, yet, the best. At some points, I don't think about myself first - it's never what I want to wear today, what I want to eat today, what I want to do to fill my time today. No.Never. These four people come first and mine would be the last to think of, but I don't mind it at all.
I have also learned that memories are worth to be preserved - to remind you of all the good times, maybe bad times and sometimes sad times - because memories do not just contain happy moments. They are there to remind you of maybe some things that you were not proud of, won't forgive yourself of and occasionally something you might have regretted of. Of course we would want to think of the happy times most but memories are memories, they are still going to be there.
Besides that, I have learned that one must not stop learning. Learn anything that you like. Learn everything that gives you passion. Learn and learn and never stop learning eventhough some people might not understand what it is that you are trying to seek for. If you consider it a knowledge, then be it. Disregard what other people would say.
Besides that, I have learned that one must not stop learning. Learn anything that you like. Learn everything that gives you passion. Learn and learn and never stop learning eventhough some people might not understand what it is that you are trying to seek for. If you consider it a knowledge, then be it. Disregard what other people would say.
I have such wonderful time doing this project. It sorts of like 'forcing' me to always be alert of your surroundings, your kids especially of the special moments.
To Kak Min, kak Zubye, Milin, Linda, Maznie, Nish and Chech - I really hope that the friendship that we have doesn't end here but it blossoms to a new beginning. Please pardon me if I do not ask, learn or practice enough. I am extremely a newbie in this and thank you to all of you for your kindness, sharing of knowledge and patience with someone as new as me. I really hope, even after we are not doing anything anymore for AmazingYouProject, we could gather and meet up. In shaa Allah. One fine day.
So, that's it. It has been a wonderful experience. I would be continuing my own projects : harihariblackandwhite.blogspot.com, hannahandsarahproject.com and mynameisizlynne.blogspot.com. Do come and visit me there!
So, here is a tight virtual hug I am giving to each one of you and the special flying kisses from my three models to all of you! Here to a new beginning. Assalamualaikum.
Signing off but never gone,
min mohd
A project worth completing for. It is the end and we ended our 2015 with beautiful memories. Till a good fresh new beginning!
Zubye Rusli
I may have not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. Praise to Allah for everything and kudos to my fellow photographer mommies herein for making this a memorable experience for both Aniq and me. Let's keep inspiring and keep on clicking. Cheers to the new beginning!
Big Love
Nish Halim

A project worth completing for. It is the end and we ended our 2015 with beautiful memories. Till a good fresh new beginning!
Zubye Rusli
I may have not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be. Praise to Allah for everything and kudos to my fellow photographer mommies herein for making this a memorable experience for both Aniq and me. Let's keep inspiring and keep on clicking. Cheers to the new beginning!
Big Love
Nish Halim

52 weeks of you.
52 weeks of friendship.
52 more years later,
May your child(ren) visit this page,
and love all the photos, all the words,
which the mothers have poured their hearts into.
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